Having an organised space for your medical needs is an important part of a household. Knowing what you have, that it is in date and that it is available when you need it are big relief when a family member is unwell. Let me help you get your medicine cabinet organised and ready!
I followed my usual organisation steps in making my cupboard functional. This is how I did it.
- I looked around my laundry, bathroom and kitchen and decided which space would be best for our medical supplies. I decided on the cupboard above our microwave for a few reasons. It is kind of pointless cupboard as due to the height which restricted what else I could put in there. Its height also means that the kids can’t get to it which I love. It also just seems like a sensible place to put it, near the fridge and cups and all the other items required for taking medication.
- I measured the cupboard and worked out what I wanted it to look like and drew up a plan.
- I put everything from our old medical box on the kitchen bench and grouped like items together. This allowed me to know how many tubs I would need and how big the tubs would need to be.
- I searched for items that would help me achieve the look and storage I needed. I found the products I used at IKEA, Kmart and Bunnings. My usual spots.
- I purchased a sheet of Melamine at Bunnings and had them cut it down to the size I required to make an extra shelf. I attached this with some white L brackets.
- I popped my items into the containers I had purchased. I used the IKEA Kuggis tubs for our less used medications and a first aid tin from Kmart for bandages, tape, etc. I used an acrylic turntable form Kmart, which was already divided into 3 sections for regularly used items like Panadol, Nurofen. I used one section for kids medications, one for adults and the other for dummies.
- I decided that the turntable needed a little bit more organisation, so I purchased some clear pen cups from Officeworks. I used these for Bandaids and syringes.
- I tested my organisation for approx. a week to make sure my design worked.
- I then labelled the containers so that everyone could find what they needed.
As I had a bit of space left and the cupboard is deeper than needed, I have used the extra space to store some rarely used serving ware at the back. At the front, I have used the space to store our fire extinguisher and blanket. The important part for these is that I have chose an easily accessible area to store them.
This space is much easier to use especially when one of the kids wakes up in the middle of the night unwell.